Kim Davidson




Insurance I Accept
Therapeutic Approaches
Areas of Expertise
Life Transitions
Career Change
Work/Life Balance
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my approach:

I believe that the relationship is at the heart of good therapy. If you don’t like your therapist, how could you want to talk to them? Also, doing our personal work shouldn’t feel overwhelming, so I work to create fun, supportive, and brave spaces for folks to share and heal. In my work, I focus less on a specific theory/approach, and more on the person sitting across from me. I love helping people identify their goals and values, and then supporting them as they move in the direction of that future. Ultimately, my work is guided by hope and the belief that tomorrow can always look brighter than today.

thoughts for new clients:

As we navigate the world, we are constantly told messages about ourselves. Over time these messages can become a part of our personal stories, and can impact our feelings of worthiness. Everyone deserves the opportunity to reclaim and rewrite their personal stories, and I believe that can happen in the context of therapy. Through this process we can change how we see ourselves and others. We can also find new ways to talk to ourselves, ways that are compassionate and give ourselves grace. Also, boundaries are the best. Set them and revisit them all the time. They can change your life.


I am a trained social worker, which means I work to see the whole person/environment, and not just a specific issue. My background is in housing, trauma, and harm reduction. I’m dedicated to the social work approach, and I have also spent over ten years as a social work educator, working to make a  more equitable field. I am also a queer woman, a feminist,  a foster parent, a pet owner, and a quirky human.

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